
  • 2651 Grande Camino Drive Walnut Creek, California - Walnut Creek
    there is a large tent in the front yard with a pick-up on blocks being worked on. TWo rather blatant codes being violated... IMG_0312.JPG
  • 2042 Berlford Walnut Creek, California - Walnut Creek
    more pics
  • 2042 Belford Walnut Creek, California - Walnut Creek
    same as before
  • 2042 Belford Walnut Creek, California - Walnut Creek
    same as previous issue but more pics
  • 2042 Belford Drive Walnut Creek, California - Walnut Creek
    This house has had a boat parked in front yard before. Now a truck and boat sticking out to the sidewalk is there on the right side of house and the left side has a camper top and a trailer parked in the front yard
  • 2279-2299 Belford Drive Walnut Creek, California - Walnut Creek
    There was previously several issues about an inoperable car in teh driveway of this house on Belford about 4 houses up from Clyde Drive. Stated address on previous post was 2343 Belford ? Now there has been parked in the driveway a trailer with a crane set up inside the trailer for over a week now.
  • 2206 Blackstone Drive Walnut Creek, California - Walnut Creek
    There is a boat parked in the driveway of this home. It faces onto Dover DRive and is not setback the required distance. Preferably behind a fence/
  • 2202 Belford Drive Walnut Creek, California - Walnut Creek
    Previously reported; but still not remedied. Garbage, wood skids, and general trash in driveway, sidewalk and city right of way. There is also a trailer parked at the dead end of Dover drive which abuts this house on the side by their garage entrance. Trailer has been parked full of trash for over 3 weeks. This has been reported to WCPD but no pictures were sent and no results as of yet. more photos available if needed